"Happiness happens to those too busy to be miserable." Rabbi Murray Pieman
Signature Cakes
One gets to a certain point of life where you set your preferences and live accordingly. I have a tendency to work on all the things that have been "on my list" for a long time, so what I can do is highly eclectic, but today, all over again, my first love is baking.
My passion for baking lies in improving what I know, enlarging upon it, inventing with it, and most of all, making something I never made before. That is the jewel in the baking crown of activity for me. I am very happy every morning spending some time sorting out my food files...and of course, there are a lot of unmade cakes there.
The kitchen is a magnet for me, where I can think clearly, pay attention, invent, and produce some good stuff generally, that will be giving pleasure to a lot of others. These are just a few samples of my cakes. I would be delighted to make a lovely cake for your special occasion too.
The Cake Lady